디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

A Walk On The Wild Side

캐안습 2006.07.25 17:24:02
조회 131 추천 0 댓글 1

The Taewha river flows thru Ulsan. Although there are a few polluted tributaries that still run with lifeless black water, the main river has become remarkably clean. Most days it is possible to stand in the middle of any bridge and look down into clear water and see fish and turtles. The turtles are an introduced species, the red-eared slider (also called the Cumberland terrapin) from the United States. They have been introduced into many habitats around the world through the pet trade. They are the turtles sold alive in street side market stalls. Intelligent and adaptable they have replaced the native Korean fresh-water turtle in many places. I don't know the identity of the fish species but they grow as large as trout. Fishermen enjoy angling for them in the warm months and in the fall the river is choked with thousands (I'm not kidding) of them, headed up stream (apparently) to spawn. It is a remarkable sight, something like seeing a salmon migration. And it can be seen here in Ulsan, an industrial city that is the headquarters of Hyundai. The river teems with bird life. Several types of egret, herons and kingfishers can be seen on any hike. Their numbers attest to the success of environmental consciousness in Korea. An interesting hike is on the south side of the river across from the Asiana Hotel, downstream to the gates of the shipyard. The slow transition from fresh water, through brackish water, to salt-water can be seen in the river as reeds disappear, the river seems without lush plant life then seaweed and the smell of brine indicate a marine habitat. This hike is fairly short and can be done by bicyle on the excellent hiking/bike path. Interesting vegetable gardens are passed along the way. A better hike is upstream on the same side of the river. Across from the Asiana Hotel you walk (or bicycle) through the large park that ends near the Koreana Hotel. Take the side walk that runs along the road (with forested mountains on the opposite side). Just after the service stations you will come to a farm (like a very large urban garden). If you stay on the main road you will come to a large and beautiful temple. If you choose to hike past the abandoned farm house to the river and continue upstream, you will pass interesting crops including bamboo and a tree nursery and you will see the river become shallower and cleaner (except for one notable blackwater tributary that carries laundry suds). Birds, turtles and fish are plentiful. When you get to the pedestrian bridge you can cross it and hike back to old downtown Ulsan (where the Asiana Hotel and the Royal Anchor pub are). There are many ways to do this. Along the river via a scenic hiking/bike path. Along the roads past some old style urban neighborhoods or up through the wooded hills. The aforementioned pedestrian bridge gives spectacular views of the autumn fish migrations I was talking about. However, if you have done the pedestrian bridge route and feel like an "iron man" workout I suggest hiking away from the river when you get to the intersection near the pedestrian bridge. This will take you to the Ulsan University district. Stop have a coffee and rest up in a PC room. Then continue over to the stadium by the highway. It has a very beautifully landscaped lake near it and is a joy in the fall when the ginkos are yellow and the maples are red. A hike along the highway back into town is interesting. You pass ponds and farms and soon come to the big 'roundabout' that sports the white statue of a lady and the 'heroic workers' statue (probably purchased from some eastern European country when the iron-curtain fell and they unloaded all their 'heroic worker kitsch' for a song). A better way to go is up through the hills that parallel the highway. Beautiful conifer forests that are full of squirrels and very large hares (the first time I saw one I mistook it for a small deer) and interesting birds. Often the silence is broken by cuckoos who can be heard but not seen. After hearing the incessant cry of these parasitic-egg-layers non-stop "cuckoo,cuckoo, cuckoo..." you began to understand the meaning of "he's gone koo-koo" And if you get lost and wander out into an unknown highway follow it. It will take you past some interesting glass "green-houses", beautiful farms (especially in fall when the persimmons hang like oranges on the bare trees) to the crossroads (right takes you to the oil refinery and left to the "heroic labor" roundabout). These 'walkabouts' are always interesting, any time of year. And a good way to see dimensions of the Korean landscape that you will never experience in the hogwan, pub or on tv.

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