디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역


1 2006.06.19 14:12:47
조회 199 추천 0 댓글 4

이번에 학원숙제한건데요;; 잘못된부분들좀 싸그리골라주세요;; 아직 많이 미숙 ㅜㅜ Fame, the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed, is common to all men who desire to achieve it for higher quality of life.  Significantly, the word “fame” has been usually considered only as glory or happiness for most of the people.  However, there are some important points that people need to look at with different aspects for deeper understanding of the word.  Other than just concentrating on its merits, I wanted to focus on the defects of its qualities as well.           To begin with, my first form of expression is the play “Macbeth”, which shows how fame was like in the old days.  Macbeth is among the most popular of Shakespeare’s plays, as well as his shortest tragedy.  My key idea fame played the special role in leading this tragedy play.  At the beginning of the play, Macbeth hears about his prophecies from the witches that he will become the king.  This is basically the beginning of his downfall as he is propelled by the desire of fame. The willing to gain his fame is not wrong, but the steps that Macbeth took were immoral to attain the true fame. Even though he attained the fame and became powerful, he wasn’t fully trusted and respected by people around him.  It is showing us that the true fame only comes from the true efforts and experiences that can be valued as the meaningful result.  The play Macbeth is a great lesson to every person that it requires a lot of hard works and experiences to win fame.         Next, my second form of expression is a movie called “Ray”. The movie “Ray” is the true life story of legendary blues singer Ray Charles from loosing his eyesight in early childhood, to his rising career during the 1950s and 1960s, and his problems with racism, drug abuse, failed relationships and his ideas to change the pace music by combining soul and gospel music.  Ray Charles is a respectable person who showed it by his life that everyone can make their dreams if they overcome their defects.  However, he also showed that how people can lose their fame so quickly.  As I mentioned it before, after he became famous, he suffered from problems like racism, drug abuse, and failed relationships.  That gave the public his bad images and the public started to move away from him and his music. It is telling us that not only attaining fame is hard work and important, but also maintaining the fame requires strong mind set and lots of hard works.  

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