디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

영어 농담 몇 개 인데 왜 웃긴지 설명좀 해죠 -_-;;

2006.06.16 10:30:18
조회 423 추천 0 댓글 7

AFTER EARNING my degree in broadcast journalism, I was fortunate to land a job as a disc jockey at a top-rated local radio station. One day before work, I stopped by my parents' house, where my mother was chatting with some friends. She introduced me to everyone and proudly mentioned that I had my own radio show. "How is it having a son who's a popular radio personality? Asked one friend. "It's wonderful!" Mom replied with glee. "For the first time in his life, I can turn him off whenever I please." MY MUSICAL DIRECTOR wasn't happy with the performance of one of our percussionists. Repeated attempts to get the drummer to improve failed. Finally, in front of the orchestra, the director said in frustration, "When a musician just can't handle his instrument, they take it away, give him two sticks and make him a drummer!" A stage whisper was heard from the percussion section: "And if he can't handle that, they take away one of his sticks and make him a conductor." ONE OF OUR school's math teachers was giving a lesson on fractions and wrote an example on the chalkboard. He explained that the numerator was the top and the denominator was the bottom. Leaning against the board, he asked the class, "Are there any questions?" When he turned back to face the board, laughter filled the room. "Mr. Longshore," one student giggled, "you have chalk dust all over your denominator!" WHEN I picked up my wife from work one afternoon, she seemed irritated. She confessed that the day hadn't gone well and on top of everything else, a young customer had addressed her as "ma'am." "I'm not that old," she insisted. "I deserve more respect!" She vented the whole way home while hitting the scan button on the radio. Finally I asked, "What are you looking for?" She replied, "The oldies station." MY NURSING colleague was preparing an intravenous line for a 15-year-old male patient. The bedside phone rang, and the boy's mother reached over to pick it up. After talking for a few minutes, the mother held the phone aside, turned to her son and said, "Your dad is asking if you've got any cute nurses." The boy gazed at the nurse, who had the needle poised above his arm, ready for insertion. "Tell him," he replied, "they're absolutely gorgeous."

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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5827 횽아들 여기서 it의 쓰임새좀 알려 주세요~ [2] 크랩 06.07.04 100 0
5826 이 편지 해석 좀 해주세요. [3] ㄻㄴㄻㄴ 06.07.04 100 0
5824 이거 문법에 맞는 말인지 궁금합니다 [2] 초보햏-.- 06.07.04 117 0
5823 외국 랩에나오는 가사몇단어에 대해서좀.. [3] 만가이 06.07.04 143 0
5822 허접한 질문 한가지 입니다 대답좀 [1] 우라나나 06.07.04 80 0
5821 뉴토익 실전 모의고사집 이런거 안팔아? [1] dd 06.07.04 135 0
5820 알것같으면서도 모르는거몇개 [4] 게리롱 06.07.04 143 0
5819 영어주소 쓰는 법 좀 알려주세요. [4] 진짜 알고싶어요 06.07.04 320 0
5816 형들 get better or get beaten 뜻이 [1] 웰치 06.07.04 115 0
5815 here comes school bus 맞는표현인가요? [3] 포링 06.07.04 131 0
5814 매번 질문만 하네요 -_-;; 짧은 문장입니다... [1] 에릭튜드 06.07.04 94 0
5813 swordman // swordsman 둘중에 [1] 질문좀요 06.07.04 107 0
5812 fire and sword 의 뜻요. [1] 질문좀요 06.07.04 115 0
5811 arrangement와 schedule의 의미상의 차이? [4] ㄴㅇㄹ 06.07.04 275 0
5810 같은뜻이 무엇인가요 [3] 그래머 06.07.04 104 0
5809 오늘자 사설이야 형들아 [2] 버팔로 06.07.04 128 0
5808 영어고수님들께 여쭐께요... [1] 야나이 06.07.04 97 0
5805 해석에 관해 궁금한 점이 있습니다. [5] .. 06.07.04 136 0
5804 그래머 인 유즈요 [4] 아잉 06.07.04 321 0
5802 영어 및 토익관련 교재 공짜로 보세요 06.07.04 83 0
5801 저기 토익 LC만 열심히 공부해도 sdfi 06.07.04 133 0
5800 hip fractions... 이게 무슨 뜻??? [3] 힙?? 06.07.04 112 0
5799 문장배열 문제와 괄호 채우기 문제 질문드립니다 [37] 스마일맨 06.07.04 310 0
5798 예전 답변이 틀렸더군요..(문장선택문제) [10] 스마일맨 06.07.04 170 0
5797 not your average blockhead가 무슨뜻? [1] 06.07.04 166 0
5796 오늘 학원에서 배운 것들 [2] ㅇㅇ 06.07.04 229 0
5793 군입대 2개월 남은 학우 인데요 [2] ㅇㅁ 06.07.04 163 0
5792 would 의 용법 [2] as 06.07.03 150 0
5791 구문 해석좀 부탁 [3] 늦각이 학생 06.07.03 98 0
5790 짧은 자기소개서 해석좀 [5] 만가이 06.07.03 212 0
5789 오늘 학원에서 회화시간에 캐관광 당함 [7] ㅇㅇ 06.07.03 614 0
5788 스튜어디스 준비.. [4] 리징시 06.07.03 195 0
5786 she worried about our being late [2] 게리롱 06.07.03 108 0
5785 It takes more time before the cup comes to a complete stop on the bed than on the floor [1] 앗힝 06.07.03 118 0
5784 fucking around의 뜻이 뭔가요? [1] 꽁치 06.07.03 594 0
5783 hi~ everyone~ # 06.07.03 39 0
5782 형들 '외국어 학습은 영원한 패배자의 길이다'를 영작하면 어떻게 되? [4] 깻잎머리 06.07.03 135 0
5781 해커스 뉴토익LC 가지고 계신분... [1] 받아적기 06.07.03 279 0
5780 여러분이라면 What did you have in mind? 어떻게 해석하시겠어요? [7] 아싸라비야 06.07.03 672 0
5779 TEPS시험 언제 보는지 아는 사람? [2] dd 06.07.03 110 0
5778 구문 질문,....shut up and click [2] 21 06.07.03 110 0
5777 the를 디로 읽는경우가 [2] 1 06.07.03 474 0
5776 형들......해석좀요..2번째 [4] 얼파이어 06.07.03 124 0
5775 며칠 전에 영어주소 질문한 사람인데 말이죠 [1] 급하다급해 두번째 06.07.03 108 0
5774 형들......해석좀요.. [5] 얼파이어 06.07.03 130 0
5773 카투사 지원때문에 영어공부하려는데... [2] 카뚜사 06.07.03 285 0
5772 번역 너무너무 어렵다. [4] 발로해석 06.07.03 141 0
5771 오빠 언니들 여기좀 봐주세여 [4] 쬐잉나 06.07.03 148 0
5770 횽들 토익 처음 아는거면 학원이 낮겠지?? [4] 하악 06.07.03 320 0
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