디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

Which of the following might a modest person say?

^^ 2006.05.10 10:39:32
조회 179 추천 0 댓글 12

Circle the letter of each correct answer to the questions below. A question may have more than one correct answer. (a) "I had very little to do with it."              (b) "You deserve all the credit." (c) "Please don't bother to thank me."    (d) "I am the greatest." (c)는 어때요? 겸손한건지, 유들유들한 건지... 2. Which fo the following can be contracted? (a) an illness    (b) muscles    (c) the pupils of the eyes    (d) a habit Improve each of the following sentenced by crossing out the blue phrase and replacing it with a word( or a form of the word) from the Word List 4. Word List 4 : active  astound  attend  cherish  contract  eager  expose                   grace  impose  moedst   parallel  paralyze  pessimist   recite   respond 6. Only about half of the members of the gardening club are taking part in what is going on. 8. I was afraid I was forcing myself on them when I stayed an extra week at the Mendelssohns. 해석 좀 부탁드립니다. expose  v. 1. To make known.                    In her weekly newspaper column, Molly Ivins exposed the plan to cut health benefits. modest   adj.  1. Not thinking too highly of oneself.                    Nadia was too modest to accept all the credit for her part in producing the play. 9. The Gazette ran a front-page story giving details of bribes contractors paid City Hall for work on the new parking garage. The paper's reporters (exposed) the crime. "contractors paid City Hall for work on the new parking garage"가 bribes의 내용인가요? contract   v. 1. To make an agreement that has the force of law.         We contracted with carpenters to repair the stairs.     2. To get; to come to have         When I contracted chicken pox, Dr. Robey told me I had to stay away from other people.     3.  To make or become smaller.         By 1828, Cherokee lands has contracted to one-tenth the size they had been a hundred years earlier. n.  An agreement that has the force of law.      Tom has just signed a contract with a publisher for his first book on the copper  miners. *Wordly Wise* Antonyms are words that are poopsite in meaning. The antonyms of contract in its meaning of " to make or become smaller" is expand. Metals contract as they get colder; they expand as they get warmer.

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