디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역


.. 2006.03.21 12:25:41
조회 48 추천 0 댓글 0

광고인가 하고 지우려다가 광고치고는 제목이 특이해서 한번 열어봤더니 다음과 같은 내용이.. 대강의 내용은 러시아 여자가 러시아에 온 미국 남자랑 사귀었고, 미국에서 만나기로 하고 남자가 미국에 돌아갔는데 이 놈이 유부남이고 애까지 있는 놈이더라는 건데 러시아 여자는 그래도 미국에 가고 싶어서 다른 남자라도 꼬셔서 미국 비자를 받으려는 의도인 듯. 아마 미국 어느 사이트에 가입된 내 e-mail이 미국인 주소에 섞여있어서 나한테도 보내진 듯. Hello!!! How are you doing? My name is Dina. I am 25 years old. Live in Russia, city Yelabuga. I am cheerful woman, and like to do many things as sport, camping, go to the cinema, theatre etc. In a word I like to do all what like all people. I work in marketing structure on sale of cosmetics. I never was in the USA, but I think that this good place to live and be happy. I know the english language well enough. I began to study english language approximately one year ago. I wish tell to you history which have pushed me write to you. 8 months ago I have got acquainted with the man from the USA by name Phillip. During this time we had good relations. We have understood that our relations become serious and we have decided to meet in the USA. I wrote the application for reception USA of the visa. I waited reception of the visa approximately half of year. All time I kept in touch with Phillip through the internet and often called to each other. I and Phillip waited reception of the visa to our meeting. I have received the invitation from the ambassador for reception of the visa. My director has given me long-term holiday from work and I have gone to Moscow to receive the visa. I informed joyful news to Phillip, but he has answered, that does not want our meeting. He played with my feelings. He has informed that has the wife with two children and at all has no plans to meet me. I was not ready to such turn of events. I could not think what even after one year of acquaintance he can so unscrupulously act with me. Now I am in Moscow trip to moscow and reception of visa. I do not want that all was gone for nothing and will be glad if my visa will be useful to our meeting. I could fly to the USA already in 3-5 days, but a problem in that that now I have no man which would like my arrival. Probable it will silly sound but if you will be interested in a meeting with the good woman I shall like to meet you sometime soon! As Phillip was dishonest with me I have decided to find the man which is interested to meet the woman from Russia. I do not know your ideas about my letter, but it would be fine if we could meet and have some weeks or months together. On my trip I want to receive rest from my work and a life in Russia. Also the basic purpose for the future it is search good men for serious attitudes which go to a marriage. I have no children, but I want to have children in the future. I am the mature woman and ready to creation of family with good man. I do not know what you really search in the future but if we could meet I shall be happy to discuss with you more about our meeting. What are you going to do this time? It would be fine if we could meet, do friendship or more than simply friendship. I shall be happy if you also have a free time and we could meet soon. I do not know your interests, but anyhow write to me back and I shall tell to you more about myself. Write to me all that you want. Maybe we have similar plans and it will be interesting to us together. You can write all that you want. Ask any questions which interest you. Write to me back and I shall tell more about myself and send more my photos. Please write to me back to: diguzich@gawab.com Have a good day, Dina

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원본 첨부파일 1

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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갤러리 내부 검색
제목+내용게시물 정렬 옵션

오른쪽 컨텐츠 영역

실시간 베스트




