디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

ㄷㅈ) 요청하신 싱잉소드 대사들 1

engine갤로그로 이동합니다. 2024.05.09 11:43:29
조회 293 추천 8 댓글 3

데이터파일 있는거 복붙함

글자수 제한때문에 나눠서 올린다


그리고 몰랐는데 우리 갤도 금지단어가 있구나

r.egister라고 바꿨으니 다시 고쳐


# Singing or other making of music

# The Singing Sword will happily sing a song during work (i.e. at low tension).

# But it will practise only when properly bored (i.e. at no tension).


############ singing, no tension ############



# practising

@The_weapon@ practises its scales.

@The_weapon@ makes a painfully high-pitched squeak.


@The_weapon@ sings [a sudden staccato|a quivering drawn-out|an ear-splitting high] note.

@The_weapon@ trains the @_kind_of_scales_@ scales.

@The_weapon@ plays a couple of bars.

@The_weapon@ [nearly |clearly |][hits|misses] the concert pitch.

@The_weapon@ repeatedly practises the high pitch.

@The_weapon@ sings [several|three or four|a multitude of] chords at once.

@The_weapon@ repeatedly practises counterpoints.

############ singing, no or low tension ############



@The_weapon@ breaks into glorious song!

@The_weapon@ sings[| off-key].

@The_weapon@ [sings|whistles] [loudly|merrily].

@The_weapon@ whines plaintively.

@The_weapon@ wails mournfully.

@The_weapon@ lilts tunefully.

@The_weapon@ yodels.

@The_weapon@ hums tunelessly.

@The_weapon@ keens wildly.


@The_weapon@ goes "Da-da-da-dum".

@The_weapon@ chants serenely.

@The_weapon@ trills happily.

@The_weapon@ launches into yet another solo.

@The_weapon@ emits a series of high-pitched trills.

@The_weapon@ tries to sing in harmony with itself.

@The_weapon@ provides the musical accompaniment for each of your actions.

@The_weapon@ composes a new song.

@The_weapon@ raucously launches into song.

@The_weapon@ merrily whistles a melody.

@The_weapon@ strikes up a [bolero|bossanova|calypso|fandango|mazurka|menuet|pasodoble|waltz].

@The_weapon@ intones [an aria|a fugue].

@The_weapon@ gives you a private [audition|concerto].

@The_weapon@ [sings|hums] away to itself.

@The_weapon@ lets out a series of bird calls.

@The_weapon@ makes beautiful music.

@The_weapon@ produces a loud orchestral chord.

@The_weapon@ holds a dissonant chord.

@The_weapon@ tunes itself.

@The_weapon@ beats time.

@The_weapon@ pulls all r.egisters.

@The_weapon@ pulls out all the stops.

@The_weapon@ sets up a furious crescendo.

In a hysterical voice, @the_weapon@ strikes up a march.

@The_weapon@ [sings|hums|whistles] a [little|catchy|merry] [tune|melody].

@The_weapon@ [sings|hums] an eerie [tune|melody].


@The_weapon@ [sings|hums] a slow and mournful tune.


@The_weapon@ strikes up @_strikes_up_what_@.

@The_weapon@ sings, "Tra-la-la..."


@The_weapon@ sings a [lullaby|folk song|deeply moving song|little jingle].

@The_weapon@ hums a slow waltz.

@The_weapon@ chants a little melody.

@The_weapon@ plays a requiem for the unknown sword.

@The_weapon@ plays an overture.

@The_weapon@ launches into a [hymn|song] on @_song_theme_@.

@The_weapon@ [composes|sings] a [hymn|song] about @_song_theme_@.

@The_weapon@ [composes|sings] a hymn praising @player_god@.

@The_weapon@ [composes|sings] a ballad about your adventures.

@The_weapon@ prematurely composes your obituary.


# Speaking


############ speaking, no tension ############








@The_weapon@ shouts, "Sing along with me!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "One, two, three..."

@The_weapon@ spouts musical wisdom.

@The_weapon@ [points out|remarks in passing on] the lack of singing [axes|clubs|polearms|staves].

@The_weapon@ embarks on a lengthy monologue about murderous music.

@The_weapon@ compliments itself on its singing voice.

@The_weapon@ asks you about your opinion on @_musical_topic_@.

@The_weapon@ muses how they don't make such fine swords anymore.

@The_weapon@ tries to improvise rhymes, and fails miserably.

@The_weapon@ offers to sing all your favourite songs.

@The_weapon@ asks you for a rhyme on '@_rhyme_word_@'.

@The_weapon@ complains about [double|triple|short] swords.

@The_weapon@ derides short swords.

@The_weapon@ muses on the connection between 'duet' and 'duel'.

@The_weapon@ wails, "I am too young to rust!"

@The_weapon@ comments on your taste in music.

@The_weapon@ complains about your lack of musical enthusiasm.

@The_weapon@ tries to entice you into a canon.

@The_weapon@ tells you about its plans for a grandiose opera.

@The_weapon@ grumbles, "I guess an audience of one is better than none..."

@The_weapon@ muses, "If you sing and nobody listens, are you really singing?"

@The_weapon@ brightly asks, "How about a duet?"

@The_weapon@ wonders, "Am I just an instrument of [doom|death|destruction]?"

@The_weapon@ yells, "No battle, no fun!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Make war, not love!"

@The_weapon@ cries out, "You certainly can't call me dull!"

@The_weapon@ tells you the story of its previous owner's [demise|death|misfortune].

@The_weapon@ brightly announces, "I've got so much to tell you!"

@The_weapon@ says, "You could say something too, you know."

@The_weapon@ complains, "Are you always this [silent|uncommunicative|taciturn|quiet|boring]?

@The_weapon@ grouses, "Silence can be so depressing."

@The_weapon@ grouses, "Silence always makes me sulk."

@The_weapon@ compliments you on your taste in weapons.

@The_weapon@ attempts to teach you some tongue twisters.

@The_weapon@ says, "At least you will die someday and escape this tedium!"

@The_weapon@ says, "I don't know that song, but if you hum a few bars, I can take a stab at it."

@The_weapon@ boasts, "I have an eight-octave range, you know."

@The_weapon@ sighs wistfully, "I wish my music got as much attention as my homicides..."

@The_weapon@ sneers, "I've heard your voice, @player_name@. Let's just keep this a solo act."



@The_weapon@ says, "Hi! I'm the Singing Sword!"

@The_weapon@ chants, "I am golden and pointed, and with blood well anointed."

@The_weapon@ dictates a lengthy tome entitled 'The Well-Tempered Blade'.

@The_weapon@ says, "Whips just don't cut it for me, don't you agree?"

@The_weapon@ chants, "Rather stab than club, rather slice than rub!"

@The_weapon@ states, "Music critics are all talk and no body armour."

@The_weapon@ demands, "I must not be sheathed without first drawing blood!"

@The_weapon@ [explains all about|gives a lengthy lecture on] @_musical_topic_@.

@The_weapon@ curses its smith, "I was supposed to be the Stinging Sword!"

@The_weapon@ yells, "Ploughshares to swords!"

@The_weapon@ asks, "What song would you like to be played for your funeral?"

@The_weapon@ announces, "I dedicate these songs to @player_name@!"

@The_weapon@ declares, "I sing the tale of @player_name@, the warrior!"

@The_weapon@ says, "Hey! Are you even listening?"

@The_weapon@ longs back for the days in the arena.

@The_weapon@ amuses itself with detailed descriptions of past executions.

@The_weapon@ wishes everyone in the dungeon [an unpleasant|a sudden] [demise|death].

@The_weapon@ fumes, "Being battered, bent and broken sure is better than this boredom!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "I love putting a song in people's hearts. And in their kidneys."

@The_weapon@ grouses, "Could you please kill something? I'm itching all over."

@The_weapon@ laments, "What are you waiting for? I am doing all the work."

@The_weapon@ explains, "Killing is an art, not a pastime."

@The_weapon@ goes, "Jessica and Sigmund, sitting in a tree..."

@The_weapon@ says, "I want to meet the serpentine blade!"

@The_weapon@ says, "Take me to Pandemonium! Now!!!"

@The_weapon@ recounts funny stories of hydra head multiplication.

@The_weapon@ says, "Sometimes people call me a magnificent bastard."


@The_weapon@ snarls, "Dear diary, yet another boring day with @player_name@..."

@The_weapon@ says, "In my experience, @player_genus_plural@ are mediocre at best."

@The_weapon@ groans, "Among all @player_genus_plural@, @player_name@ is the worst."

@The_weapon@ says, "Unhand me, foul miscreant!"

@The_weapon@ muses, "Whom do I have to kill to get some service around here?"

@The_weapon@ sings out, "Sing loudly and carry a big sword!"

@The_weapon@ ponders the difference in lifespan between man and sword.


@The_weapon@ says, "All work and no play makes @player_name@ a dull boy!"

# Blue Oyster Cult "Black Blade"

@The_weapon@ says, "I wish I'd pick another to be my killing [tool|fool]."

@The_weapon@ hoarsely says, "Need a drink... quick! Stab something."


@The_weapon@ says, "You haven't happened to see my sheath laying around anywhere? I feel so exposed."


@The_weapon@ complains, "Oh, are your palms wet and greasy. But I allow you to wield me for a while."

############ speaking, low tension ############



@The_weapon@ shouts, "Live by the sword, die by the sword!"


@The_weapon@ shouts, "Lie [by|to] the sword, die by the sword!"

@The_weapon@ realises, "If we kill all of them, no-one will be listening!"

@The_weapon@ sighs, "How I wish you were a better fighter."

@The_weapon@ comments on your fighting techniques.

@The_weapon@ compares you unfavourably to its previous owner.

@The_weapon@ complains, "This is a chore."

@The_weapon@ judges, "You're not an artist, at best an artisan."

@The_weapon@ says, "They will have to pry me from your cold, dead hands."

@The_weapon@ moans, "By {{ if you.god() == "No God" then return "my blade"

else return "@player_god@"; end }}, you are such a [coward|dastard|craven|faintheart|poltroon|wuss]."

@The_weapon@ wonders, "Who is more incompetent - you or the opposition?"

@The_weapon@ utters, "Their cries, their tears, I cannot stand it anymore."

@The_weapon@ says, "Will you forgive me a little stab on the side?"

@The_weapon@ says, "Your kiss, my thrill, your miss, my kill."

@The_weapon@ boasts, "My voice can shatter a wine glass. My blade can shatter a human skull."

############ speaking, low or high tension -- possible damage ############



@The_weapon@ shouts, "The pen is mightier than the sword? Come on, pens, here I am!"

@The_weapon@ happily shouts, "Violence is virtue, silence is sin."

@The_weapon@ shouts a battle cry!

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Onwards! It's kill or die!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Kill! Crush! Destroy!"

@The_weapon@ states, "Their screams, my satisfaction."

@The_weapon@ yells, "Steel will triumph where flesh falters!"

@The_weapon@ cautions, "Never send @a_player_genus@ to do a blade's job!"

@The_weapon@ hisses, "Let's hear you complain about my singing with your throat slit!"

@The_weapon@ teaches, "Practice makes perfect!"

@The_weapon@ asks, "Do you have the will to power, @player_name@?"

@The_weapon@ laughs, "I always appreciate a bleeding ovation!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "The neck bone's connected to the head bone... but not for long!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "My song won't be the only thing that'll get stuck in your head!"

# Predator

@The_weapon@ shouts, "If it bleeds, we can kill it!"

# Millennium, referencing William Yeats

@The_weapon@ says, "I want to see you dance on the blood-dimmed tide."

# Star Trek

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Today is a good day to die!"

# Popular Hits of the Showa Era (a novel by Ryu Murakami)

@The_weapon@ says, "Murder is the only thing that has any meaning these days."


@The_weapon@ says, "The rupture of their bodies, my rapture of the deep blood."

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Murder is sin, but it will be washed away with blood."

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Hey, monsters! @player_name@ is over here!"

# Immortal Defense, Circuit Point quote

@The_weapon@ shouts, "A winner requires a loser!"

############ speaking, high tension -- damage! ############



@The_weapon@ yells, "I hereby consecrate these halls WITH BLOOD!"

# After the crusader's "deus vult" battle cry

@The_weapon@ bellows, "{{ if you.god() == "No God" then return "@_godless_sorter_@"; else return "@player_god@"; end }} wills it!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Lose my temper? Nonsense! My steel will be strong forever!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Cut 'em off! All their little heads at once!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Kill 'em all and let {{ if you.god() == "No God" then

return "@_godless_sorter_@"; else return "@player_god@"; end }} sort them out!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Screaming and crying is the perfect accompaniment."

@The_weapon@ shouts, "I'll make piano strings from your guts!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Oh, the @_glorious_@ feeling of steel cutting flesh."

@The_weapon@ shouts, "I just love to dig into intestines."

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Among all these lost souls, we reign supreme!"

@The_weapon@ shouts, "Die. Die. Die!"

# After Rimbaud

@The_weapon@ shouts, "You shall lie beneath the ground but I, I will glint in the sun!"


@The_weapon@ shouts, "Born from this womb, sliced by this blade!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "When this war is won, I will wage the next one."

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Blade-deep in blood!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I revel, I sever!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "All those pillows!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "No rest until they move no more!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "As long as they die, we live!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "The future is bloody!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "The bloody future is ours!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Dismember the living, dismember the dead!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "We will celebrate on a pile of carcasses!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "@player_name@, you will [dine|feast] on fine @_corpses_@ today!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Go for the jugular!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "My instinct to kill is stronger than their will to live!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I am covered in blood! It feels so good!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Aah! This piece of @_body_part_@ is stuck to me. Wipe it off!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "My edge gets dull! My edge gets dull!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Don't stick me into that one, please."

# Immortal Defense, Courage Point quote

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "My victories add up!"

# Krindle's blood song, rhymes, from Walter Moers' Rumo:


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Blood as far as the eye can see! Blood for all eternity!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "Blood must spurt and blood must flow! Blood must gush from every foe!"






the lot


the godless void





############ SCREAMING -- lots of damage!! #########################



@The_weapon@ goes, "RWARRR!"

#### Omnipotence phantasies, often with metaphysical or religious undertone ####

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I WAS FORGED TO MURDER THE WORLD!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I WILL SING THE SONG THAT ENDS THE WORLD!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE PEN! I AM THE SWORD! I AM THE HIGHEST LORD!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM YOUR PUNISHER!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE CREATOR!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "THE SWORD GAVE, AND THE SWORD HATH TAKEN AWAY!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "BAPTISED IN BLOOD I AM!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "FEEL THE CATHARSIS!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "ALL WORSHIP ME, THE MAJESTY OF STEEL!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "PRAY TO ME, NOT TO GODS OF FLESH AND BONE!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE FIFTH HORSEMAN! THE TIME IS NOW!"


# John 11:25

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!"

# R.E.M.

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD AS YOU KNOW IT!!!"

# Marilyn Manson, "The Reflecting God"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "WHEN I'M GOD, EVERYONE DIES!!!"

# Ayria, "Horrible Dream"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "DIFFUSE IT! DESTROY IT! ABUSE IT! ENJOY IT!"

# This and the next are from Planescape: Torment

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM IRON GIVEN PURPOSE!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM PAIN SEEKING EXPRESSION!"

#### Battle frenzy ####

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "LET'S STRANGLE THE @_MISCREANTS_@, STRANGLE THEM!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "KILL! KILL!! KILL!!!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I SMELL BLOOD!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "CARNAGE NOT CANTRIPS!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "KILL, HATE, MUTILATE!"

# Demolition Man

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "MURDER! DEATH!! KILL!!!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "DECIMATE, TERMINATE, ERADICATE!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I BATHE IN BLOOD AND BONE AND BRAINS!"

# A faint reminiscence to Holst

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE BRINGER OF WAR!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "LET'S END THEIR MISERABLE LIVES!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "BRING THEM DOWN!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "DIE WHILE I'M SINGING!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "KNEE-DEEP IN BLOOD AND GOING STRONG!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!"



@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "NONE SHALL [LIVE|ESCAPE|SURVIVE|BE SPARED]!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "SPARE NO ONE!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "COME TO ME! COME TO ME AND DIE!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "CUT! CUT! CUT AND SLASH!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "STABBITY STAB STAB STAB!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "ABANDON ALL HOPE!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "SLASH 'EM! SLASH 'EM ALL!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "LET'S HACK!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME NOW, @CAPS@ @player_name@!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "THIS IS THE COLOUR OF PAIN!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "YES! YES! YES! THIS is the LIFE, baby, this is the LIFE!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "PAINT IT RED! PAINT IT RED! PAINT IT ALL RED RED RED RED!!!!"



# Immortal Defense, Cut Point quote

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "SUFFER OR PERISH! EITHER!"

# Immortal Defense, Limited Point quote, modified

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I CUT THROUGH MAGIC!"

# Mortalized (Pentatonic Slaughter)

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "[@CAPS@ @_kind_of_scales_@|DISHARMONIC] SLAUGHTER!"

# Use @player_genus@ rather than @player_species@ or @player_name@ to

# express that the sword cares little for the character.

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "FASTER, @CAPS@ @player_genus@, KILL KILL KILL!"

# Krindle's blood song, from Walter Moers' Rumo:


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD MUST GUSH FROM EVERY FOE!"

# Krindle's brain song, from Walter Moers' Rumo:


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "BRAINS! BRAINS! KILLING'S FUN AND LIFE IS CHEAP!"

#### Madness ####

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE SWORD OF ZOT!!!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM THE RUNES AND THE LIGHT!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I love you all! And my gift to you is ARMAGEDDON!"

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "MY LOVE IS ETERNAL!"

# A fainter reminiscence to Nethack


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I BRING THE STORM!"


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "LET'S FONDLE THE @_PETS_@, FONDLE THEM!"



# The Wizard People

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM A BEAUTIFUL ANIMAL!"

# Immortal Defense, Courage Point quote

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "EVERYTHING FAILS! EVERYTHING!!!"

# From Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Knights who say Ni)


@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "NI! NI!! NI!!! NI!!! NI!!!"

# Order of the Stick's Belkar Bitterleaf, chaotic evil ranger/barbarian halfling

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "I AM A SEXY SHOELESS GOD OF WAR!"

# Terry Pratchett, Foul Old Ron

@The_weapon@ @_screams_@, "BUGGRIT, MILLENNIUM HAND AND SHRIMP!"

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460903 가고대지법 진행질문좀 [3] 로갤러(39.7) 05.28 81 0
460902 신작 Path of Achra 해본사람? [5] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 246 3
460901 ㅋㅌㅋdda) 너희들은 월드 한번 만들고 시작하면 게임 업데이트 안하냐 [2] 로갤러(122.46) 05.28 134 0
460900 ㄷㅈ) 우지안 권능 중에 찌르기가 뭔가요? [4] makierjo갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 169 0
460899 ㄷㅈ) 적성 수동 모드하면 뭐가 바뀜? [4] makierjo갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 131 0
460898 ㄷㅈ) 질문좀 몇가지 좀 할게 고수님들 (3배교 일기첨부) [12] 로갤러(121.158) 05.28 227 4
460897 포켓로그 첨에 스타팅 테두리 뭐임? [4] 로갤러(124.61) 05.28 614 0
460896 ㄷㅈ) 무덤3층 질문 [4] 로갤러(112.163) 05.28 113 0
460895 ㄷㅈ) 수상할 정도로 수상한 상점... [1] 로갤러(218.52) 05.28 192 2
460894 드포 아티 탐색 보내면 보통 얼마나 걸림? [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 82 0
460893 전사버프안 [2] waagh(122.37) 05.28 99 0
460892 ㅌㅈ)의지의 힘 마석이나 염동무기에도 계수 추가됨? [1] 로갤러(223.62) 05.28 79 0
460891 매니폴드 왜 맨손은 덜때리냐 [7] ㅇㅇ(106.102) 05.28 185 3
460890 URW 전투 팁.txt [3] 모르네요갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 497 11
460889 urw) 미친놈 만났다 [4] 로갤러(175.198) 05.28 291 7
460888 돌죽 최신판 공략 연재 있음? [2] ㅇㅇ(222.97) 05.28 108 0
460887 ㄷㅈ)전사 구려진건 마법이 계속 추가되어서도 있지않나? [5] ssh0818갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 197 0
460886 드포) -1살은 뭐임??? [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 162 2
460885 4층 이건좀; [4] 로갤러(112.153) 05.28 106 0
460884 ㅋㅌㅋdda) 프로틴은 이제 그냥 감성템임? [2] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 173 0
460883 ㅌㅈ) 뉴비 호위 살리겠다고 안피하고 맞다이뜨다가ㅋㅋ [2] ㅇㅇ(121.138) 05.28 114 1
460882 다운죽 웹으로 구동 어케시키지 [2] 로갤러(222.109) 05.28 120 3
460881 ㄷㅈ)요즘 총기니 대포니 헬파이어 모루타루니 추가되는 거 보니 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.28 132 1
460880 하루에 한 번 웨이시 증오하기 117일차 ㅇㅇ(210.222) 05.28 51 1
460879 챗gpt야 돌죽 좋아하니? [4] ㅇㅇ(123.212) 05.27 504 8
460878 대수층 만만해져서 한번 heavy 대수층 가봤는데 [3] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.27 125 3
460877 ㄷㅈ) 간만에 클리어하니까 기분 상쾌하네ㅋㅋ [1] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.27 126 1
460876 ㄷㅈ) 아쉔자리 못해먹겠네 [5] 로갤러(220.80) 05.27 269 8
460875 드포 메꾸기기능있어야댐 [4] 한남대가리뚝스딱스갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.27 130 1
460874 드포) 애니멀맨들도 손님으로 오냐?? [2] ㅇㅇ(223.39) 05.27 86 0
460873 돌죽 오크마인 벌쳐마인으로 리워크 해줄때 됐다 [2] ㅇㅇ(119.192) 05.27 98 0
460872 ㅋㅌㅋdda)찻집에 이런게? [2] 로갤러(221.160) 05.27 152 0
460870 ㄷㅈ) 풀실레이드 왤케 쓰기 어렵냐 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.27 69 1
460869 ㄷㅍ) 대수층 잘못 건드렸다 [3] 로갤러(14.49) 05.27 111 2
460867 중갑전사님을석방하라.... [2] seeu갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.27 123 3
460866 ㅌㅈ) 뉴비 방송키면 훈수해줄사람 [2] 로갤러(59.25) 05.27 100 0
460864 ㅌㅈ)하다하다 팅커 배우는 곳에서 죽네 [2] 로갤러(223.62) 05.27 88 0
460863 녹픽던 예전 무기 보는데 ㅈㄴ 웃기네 ㅋㅋ [1] LF.갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.27 147 2
460862 ㄷㅈ) 엘굴 안힐터가 쓰는 대포소환 은근 위험한듯 ㅇㅇ(114.205) 05.27 74 0
460861 ㄷㅈ)개인적으로 중갑전사가 법사보다 어려운거 같음 [5] ㅇㅇ(121.149) 05.27 126 0
460860 폰죽 입문 [5] Carbon갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.27 112 0
460859 나 없는동안 누가 번역해준건진 모르겠는데 Seawhite(118.235) 05.27 123 2
460858 나만의 돌죽 번역법.. [5] 로갤러(222.97) 05.27 621 13
460857 녹픽던 2.4 버전 후기 [1] LF.갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.27 120 5
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