디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

ALL GOOD 점수 획득한 VS300 , 제네시스보다도 안전한 차

ㅈㅈㅈ(222.109) 2009.11.28 21:20:05
조회 243 추천 0 댓글 1


<U>image.ashx?rh=1164&s=110</U> <H1>Buick LaCrosse</H1>2010 models
2010 Top Safety Pick2010 Buick LaCrosse: good performance in front, side, rollover, and rear tests and standard electronic stability control



Important: Frontal crash test ratings can be compared only among vehicles of similar weight.

<H2>Test details:</H2>

The Buick LaCrosse was redesigned for the 2010 model year. Frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by General Motors as part of <U>frontal crash test verification</U>.

Restraints/dummy kinematics — Dummy movement was well controlled. The driver side curtain airbag deployed during the crash. After the dummy moved forward into the frontal airbag, it rebounded into the seat without its head coming close to any stiff structure that could cause injury.

Injury measures — Measures taken from the dummy indicate a low risk of any significant injuries in a crash of this severity.

<H2>Additional features:</H2><UL><LI>Side airbags: front and rear head curtain airbags and front seat-mounted torso airbags (standard); rear seat-mounted torso airbags (optional)</LI><LI>Rollover sensor: designed to deploy the side curtain airbags in the event of an impending rollover</LI><LI>Electronic stability control</LI><LI>Antilock brakes</LI><LI>Daytime running lights</LI></UL><H2>Tested vehicle specifications:</H2><UL><LI>2010 Buick LaCrosse CX 4-door</LI><LI>Class: Large family car</LI><LI>Weight: 3,922 lbs.</LI><LI>Side airbags: front and rear head curtain airbags and front seat-mounted torso airbags</LI><LI>Wheelbase: 112 in.</LI><LI>Length: 197 in.</LI><LI>Width: 73 in.</LI><LI>Engine: 3.0 L V6</LI><LI>EPA ratings: 17 mpg city | 26 mpg highway </LI></UL><H3>See all test results for <U>Buick LaCrosse</U>


<U>image.ashx?rh=1197&s=110</U> <H1>Buick LaCrosse</H1>2010 models
2010 Top Safety Pick2010 Buick LaCrosse: good performance in front, side, rollover, and rear tests and standard electronic stability control


Rear passenger GoodGoodGoodGood

Important: Side impact crash test ratings can be compared across vehicle type and weight categories.

<H2>Test details:</H2>

The Buick LaCrosse was redesigned for the 2010 model year.

<H3>Injury measures:</H3>

Driver — Measures taken from the dummy indicate a low risk of any significant injuries in a crash of this severity.

Rear passenger — Measures taken from the dummy indicate a low risk of any significant injuries in a crash of this severity.

<H3>Head protection:</H3>

Driver — The dummy\'s head was protected from being hit by any hard structures, including the intruding barrier, by a side curtain airbag that deployed from the roof.

Rear passenger — The dummy\'s head was protected from being hit by any hard structures, including the intruding barrier, by a side curtain airbag that deployed from the roof.

image.ashx?rh=1197&id=1&s=120 image.ashx?rh=1197&id=2&s=120 image.ashx?rh=1197&id=3&s=120 image.ashx?rh=1197&id=4&s=120

Left to right:

<UL><LI>View of the vehicle and barrier just after the crash test.</LI><LI>View of the vehicle after the crash with doors removed, showing the side airbags and damage to the occupant compartment.</LI><LI>Smeared greasepaint shows where the driver dummy\'s head was protected from being hit by hard structures by the side airbag.</LI><LI>Smeared greasepaint shows where the rear passenger dummy’s head was protected by the side airbag.</LI></UL><H2>Additional features:</H2><UL><LI>Side airbags: front and rear head curtain airbags and front seat-mounted torso airbags (standard); rear seat-mounted torso airbags (optional)</LI><LI>Rollover sensor: designed to deploy the side curtain airbags in the event of an impending rollover</LI><LI>Electronic stability control</LI><LI>Antilock brakes</LI><LI>Daytime running lights</LI></UL><H2>Tested vehicle specifications:</H2><UL><LI>2010 Buick LaCrosse CX 4-door</LI><LI>Class: Large family car</LI><LI>Weight: 3,900 lbs.</LI><LI>Side airbags: standard front and rear head curtain airbags and standard front seat-mounted torso airbags </LI><LI>Wheelbase: 112 in.</LI><LI>Length: 197 in.</LI><LI>Width: 73 in.</LI><LI>Engine: 3.0 L V6</LI><LI>EPA ratings: 17 mpg city | 26 mpg highway </LI></UL><H3>See all test results for <U>Buick LaCrosse</U>


<FORM id=aspnetForm method=post name=aspnetForm action=detailsbyclass.aspx?20><INPUT id=__EVENTTARGET type=hidden name=__EVENTTARGET> <INPUT id=__EVENTARGUMENT type=hidden name=__EVENTARGUMENT> <INPUT id=__LASTFOCUS type=hidden name=__LASTFOCUS> <INPUT id=__VIEWSTATE value=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 type=hidden name=__VIEWSTATE>< type=text/></> <H2 class=redtext>Rollover evaluations</H2><H1 style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12px; FLOAT: left" id=ctlClassTitle>Large family cars </H1>
Select another class: <SELECT id=_ctl0__ctl0_baseContainer_main_SeriesNameLookup language= =":setTimeout(\'__doPostBack(\\\'_ctl0$_ctl0$baseContainer$main$SeriesNameLookup\\\',\\\'\\\')\', 0)" name=_ctl0:_ctl0:baseContainer:main:SeriesNameLookup> <OPTION value=120>Microcars</OPTION> <OPTION value=90>Minicars</OPTION> <OPTION value=40>Small cars</OPTION> <OPTION value=30>Midsize moderately priced cars</OPTION> <OPTION value=15>Midsize luxury/near luxury cars</OPTION> <OPTION selected value=20>Large family cars</OPTION> <OPTION value=100>Midsize convertibles</OPTION> <OPTION value=10>Large luxury cars</OPTION> <OPTION value=58>Small SUVs</OPTION> <OPTION value=55>Midsize SUVs</OPTION> <OPTION value=50>Midsize luxury SUVs</OPTION> <OPTION value=110>Large SUVs</OPTION> <OPTION value=80>Minivans</OPTION> <OPTION value=75>Small pickups</OPTION> <OPTION value=70>Large pickups</OPTION></SELECT>

To measure roof strength, a metal plate is pushed against one corner of a vehicle\'s roof at a constant speed. The maximum force sustained by the roof before 5 inches of crush is compared to the vehicle\'s weight to find the strength-to-weight ratio. This is a good assessment of vehicle structural protection in rollover crashes.

Each model is rated based on our measured curb weight of a vehicle with typical engine, transmission, and equipment options. However, when the same model is available in a configuration over 10% heavier than the typically equipped vehicle, a separate rating is assigned.

<U>More about how we rate vehicle roof strength</U>

<U>Good</U> Good   Acceptable Acceptable   Marginal Marginal   Poor Poor   |   Vehicles are listed in order of performance

Buick LaCrosse
2010 models
Good3,998 19,571 4.90
Ford Taurus
2010 models
Good3,972 16,759 4.22

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