디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

대학생 강제출석에 관해서..영작 맞는지 봐주세요..플리즈...

^0^ 2006.07.23 16:50:52
조회 168 추천 0 댓글 6

가련한 어린양에게 도움의 손길을 부탁드려요... <대학생 선택적 출석 vs 강제적 출석> Undergraduate students want to have the freedom of the attendance.That is why whoever has the mind of the life planing by oneself. So, how was the problem of undergauduate student's class attendance decided? I agree universities enable students to optional attendance. Because, I support that student's decision is important. what make student listen to the lecture compulsory is no good. It is the appearance that the student's views are admitted. For instance, there are two types of professors. one professor give a lecture to students perfectly. So, students love to be present to listen to this professor's lecture. Eventually the percentage of attendance will be high quickly. Meanwhile, the other professor does not make efforts for students. So, students do not feel emotion after lecture. Rather, they will be boring more and more. In addition, I think that demanding people are respected than supplying people. You know, undergraduate students pay lots of money. Hence, they are granted qualification to require the better service in quality. By the way, let's suppose do not received appropriciate service. I guess students dislike to attend the class. In the situation, I support the right of attendance should be up to students. To sum up, I think student's freedom should be considered as others importantly.Whoever has the mind that "Time is gold." If, the lecture does not help students accumulate better knowledge, students should be able to use waste times for themselves.

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