디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역


int 2006.07.18 14:44:01
조회 257 추천 0 댓글 10

Discrete geometry aims for a characterisation of the geometrical properties of a set of discrete points. Geometrical properties of a set are understood to be global properties. In discrete geometry, points are grouped, thus forming discrete objects, and it is the properties of these discrete objects that are under study. In contrast, digital topology as described in Chapter 1 allows for the study of the local properties between discrete points within such an object. In short, topological properties such as connectivity and neighbourhood are first used to define discrete objects and discrete geometry then characterises the properties of these discrete objects. A possible approach is to consider discrete object as digitisation of continuous objects and to map the properties of the original continuous object in the classic Euclidean geometry onto properties in discrete geometry. In this context, there is first a need for definitions and models of digitisaition schemes. The resulting discrete geometrical properties will clearly be highly dependent on the digitisation scheme. Ideally, one would rather seek discrete geometrical properties that are unrelated to the context in which the discrete object is studied (i.e. independent of the digitisation scheme used). Generally, a combined approach is used. Definitions of concepts in discrete geometry are given via relations to their continuous counterparts (e.g. straightness, convexity). However, characterisations of such properties are derived in a purely discrete approach. The aim of such characterisations is the development of algorithms related to geometric properties. For example, given a set of discrete points, one would be able to test it against a definition of discrete straightness (i.e. the fact that it is a digital straight segment or otherwise) without any reference to a specific continuous segment. . . . . . . . . . ㅅㅂㅂ......................

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갤러리 리스트
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회 추천
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6982 시 번역좀 부탁합니다. [6] sdsdsd 06.08.02 143 0
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6971 이거 영작해주시면 정말 감사하게습니다. [2] ㅇㅇㅇ 06.08.02 140 0
6970 난 한국여자랑 결혼 안 한다 [4] ㅇㅇ 06.08.02 280 0
6969 구조에서 질문 있습니다. [7] .. 06.08.02 170 0
6968 영어로된 수학 질문입니다. [5] 횽들아 06.08.02 146 0
6967 회화-두 문장의 차이점 좀 가려쳐주세요 [1] 롸이언 06.08.02 100 0
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6963 선택문제 ver 6.2 [4] 스마일맨 06.08.01 117 0
6962 선택문제 ver 6.1 [7] 스마일맨 06.08.01 115 0
6961 선택문제 ver 6.0 [8] 스마일맨 06.08.01 152 0
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6959 나 편입스터디때문에 미치겠네 [3] dd 06.08.01 230 0
6958 팝송 말입니다... [2] 213 06.08.01 160 0
6957 문법 질문 하나 합니다 [3] ? 06.08.01 140 0
6956 뉴스보다가 이상한 문장이.. [10] LDOCE 06.08.01 225 0
6955 질문입니다. [2] ll 06.08.01 153 0
6954 횽들 물어볼꺼있어 [1] ㅇ_ㅇ 06.08.01 119 0
6953 어학용 워크맨 질문이요.. [5] ㅠㅜ 06.08.01 206 0
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6943 이거 당췌 이해가-_- [3] 팍스 06.08.01 137 0
6942 욕하다.. call me name ? [4] 심기비 06.08.01 335 0
6940 이거 두개 질문이요~!!!!!!! [2] 캐초보 06.08.01 107 0
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6938 편입 스터디 떄문에 미치겠네 [2] dd 06.08.01 214 0
6937 간단한 질문 있슴다.... [7] 궁금햏 06.08.01 191 0
6935 횽들 인생상담 [6] 김딱총 06.08.01 220 0
6934 영어고수들 제발 좀 가르쳐줘여 [1] ㅇㅇ 06.08.01 156 0
6932 어법에서 궁금한 점이 있습니다. [3] .. 06.08.01 159 0
6931 당췌 뭔소린지.. [4] ㅠㅠ 06.08.01 217 0
6930 got milk? [3] 룰루 06.08.01 175 0
6929 선택문제 ver 5.1 [6] 스마일맨 06.08.01 155 0
6927 선택문제 ver 5.0 [3] 스마일맨 06.08.01 122 0
6926 ought to 발음하기 진짜 개난감....; [9] ㅇㅇ 06.07.31 936 0
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