디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

이 편지 해석 좀 해주세요.

ㄻㄴㄻㄴ 2006.07.04 22:14:40
조회 96 추천 0 댓글 3

Hello, Thanks for emailing us regarding the Korean release for World of Warcraft. We are excited to have so many enthusiastic players in Korea and local support operations are available to handle any issues that may affect them. Our North American office is not able to provide direct support for any questions or issues regarding the Korean version of the game. You will need to contact our Korean Support Team directly for assistance. Please visit this site for Korean support information: http://www.worldofwarcraft.co.kr/support/service/ All questions, including technical issues, should go through that website. The following website contains basic game information and links for the Korean release of the game: http://www.worldofwarcraft.co.kr/ Regards, Sang K Billing & Account Services Representative Blizzard Entertainment http://www.blizzard.com -----Original Message----- From: killjjockbar@naver.com To: wowcommwatch@blizzard.com;sales@blizzard.com;wowtech@blizzard.com Sent: 7/1/2006 4:33:15 AM Subject: To the Overseas Service Providing Manager of Blizzard Hello, I'm a World of Warcraft user(WOW'ser) of south korea. Today, I'm afraid I'll give a bad news to you. As you know, Blizzard Korea is the service provider of 'WOW' in Korea. But They have NOT controlled the providing of WOW in KOREA. For example- yesterday, they said "Until 14:00 we will finish the work of the inspection & patch(ver 1.11)." But they did not keep the promise. They is over the appointed time, and then servers were opened(however not work well) at the night(about 23:00). We- I & ALMOST WOW'sers - were SO angry with their EVIL service. But they have acted haughtily 'till now. We do not want a compensation. We ONLY want that they are changed. But They, Blizzard Korea, HAVE ALWAYS BROKEN WOWSER'S APPOINTMENT ever since they start the providing. So, we ared disappointed them, and don't expect them anymore. They've always made troubles whenever patching(at least 8 hours over). Some WOW'sers say "They are trouble maker." We're afraid that WOW will be ANOTHER COUNTER STRIKER in KOREA. (As you know, Han(Jungwon Han, the CEO of Blizzard Korea) provided the COUNTER STRIKER. And the game became a DISASTER in KOREA ebecause of service trouble.) If Blizzard wants to provide the 'WOW' continuously in KOREA, you should replace another provider for Blizzard Korea ASAP. And All WOW'ser hopes that the provider is changed, too. Listen carefully to our opinion, please. from WOW'ser in korea.

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6121 where=in which [2] 맘마미아맘마미아 06.07.13 162 0
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6106 sun Dyst 06.07.13 81 0
6105 횽아들 영작 문장 간단한것좀 [1] ㅇㅇ 06.07.13 124 0
6104 여기 영어갤 아닌가요? [2] 보통사람의시대 06.07.12 156 0
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