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갤러리 본문 영역

영어 실력 평가 좀 하자

bearpoor(221.165) 2024.12.13 18:52:22
조회 66 추천 1 댓글 0

귀찮아서 자세하게 번역은 못해도 그냥 대충 읽으면 무슨 의미인지 이해할 수 있는 수준임 

“Have you ever been manipulated?

Well, You have. Most of us have at some point in our life"

Manipulation is all around us. It’s used by politicians, companies, salesperson and even by our friends and family.
But don’t worry you can learn the "Art Of Manipulation" to protect yourself and use it for your own good. And believe me, it’s not as hard as you might think it is. So, let’s get into it.

Let’s start with the words of Jim Rohn:
"The best way to manipulate people is to make them think they are in control."

What is Manipulation?

Yes, I know you must be asking "what the hell is manipulation?" Well, Manipulation is the act of influencing someone to do something they wouldn't normally do. Without them even realising it.

Here are some real-life examples of manipulation, so that you can get a better understanding:

salesperson might use the high pressure "bait and switch" tactic to manipulate customers into buying something they didn’t intend to buy.

Social media like Facebook has been criticized for manipulating its users' emotions by showing them content that is likely to make them angry or upset. This can lead to increased polarization and division in society. For example:

The Rohingya genocide: In 2017, Facebook was used to spread misinformation and hate speech that contributed to the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. Facebook's algorithms amplified the voices of extremists, while suppressing the voices of those who were trying to speak out against the violence.

Politician always use these techniques to Manipulate the masses. Let’s go with a classic example, Adolf Hitler used propaganda and fearmongering to manipulate the German people into supporting his Nazi regime. He also used violence and intimidation to silence his opponents.

Manipulation is very powerful psychological practice that can be used for good or evil, but it’s important to be aware of how it works so that you can protect yourself from being manipulated.

Now that you have some ground let’s dive deep into it..

10 dark psychology techniques that manipulators use:

1. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to control the victim by making them doubt their own sanity, perception, or memory. It is a gradual process that can be difficult to detect, but it can have serious consequences for the victim’s mental and emotional health.

The case of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp

In 2022, Johnny Depp sued his ex-wife, Amber Heard, for defamation over an article she wrote in which she described herself as a domestic violence victim. During the trial, Depp accused Heard of gaslighting him.

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