디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

English Writing Practice

영갤러(218.52) 2024.11.13 21:59:23
조회 57 추천 0 댓글 0

Problem of being a student as a human

A human is born with inherent curisosity that leads him to question and test everything he sees and touches, always wanting to know what his parents are saying to him. In this moment before he belongs to any educatial society, he still has his full potential to grow intelligently in natural way. But, after he becomes a student, his curiosity is overwhelmed, distorted and distroyed by severe competition with other students. He now belongs to a system where he needs to outweigh all other competitors before focusing his own learning curve, not being able to enjoy all the learning schedules ready for him. Though he belongs to a society called school or university, his mind can't connect truly with other competitor friends and even with his true inner self because his mind is obsessed with competition and compulsory things to memorize and understand.

A time that should be enjoyed is spent with frustration, depression, anger and distorted mental status. This is when his mind is degenerrating until he loses whole sense of who he is and of what the whole world means to him.

In recent episodes here, it seems that I have oberved things happening in school class room. A loser can't have bright future and a winner takes all the glory and bright future. The loser can't accept who really is. Failures in some exams have totally detroyed his mind. There was no teacher, but there is an exam writer, called Sukuraze. He gave some exams and students gather to solve the exams. Only one error in the test paper is harshly critizied because that kind error can make anyone lose their future. While some people are still so sensitive about errors in grammar, there are not many who can boldly show their mistakes. Many have graduated school or university long time ago, but they still can't overcome their memories in school or university. 

Can people overcome their competition oriented minds? If possible, when and how? I want to ask you this question.

Written by a human with a little help from AI and dictionary on a few phrases

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451182 Ootkything event 신이두빌런(14.50) 24.12.14 27 0
451181 ㅅㅂ진짜 공시생이면 한달에 21만원 쓰면 안 되냐? ㅇㅇ(218.52) 24.12.14 69 0
451180 Baby hey baby 영갤러(149.102) 24.12.14 37 0
451179 영어 독해 수능 교재 추천 영갤러(58.141) 24.12.14 74 0
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451176 영어는 이 쓰는 영어 줌 말이 진리다 [4/2] JUN(182.31) 24.12.14 156 4
451175 자이 실전, 마더텅 기출 중복됨?? 영갤러(117.111) 24.12.14 32 0
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451171 알파벳 따옴표 발음(ex : A') 영갤러(220.65) 24.12.14 42 0
451168 한반도민족이 영어을 배울수잇는 이유는, [1] 조선왕이승용(124.216) 24.12.14 87 1
451167 의대없는 대학교는 가지 마라 영갤러(59.7) 24.12.14 73 3
451166 중1단어 영어가사입니다 독해 해볼사람 조선왕이승용(124.216) 24.12.14 48 0
451165 구동사, 숙어 외울 때 어케 외움? [5] 당분이많은환경에서행복하게살아가는유산균갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.14 134 0
451164 천왕인내가 느끼는 독립군은 무엇이냐 천왕의 입장에서, 조선왕이승용(124.216) 24.12.14 27 0
451163 "I have lost my key 현재완료영어문법은 없다, 조선왕이승용(124.216) 24.12.14 63 0
451162 오늘 동네 마을회의 한대 ㅋㅋ [1] JUN(182.31) 24.12.14 89 0
451161 팝송가사로 접미어 영어배워보기.the band won.t play 조선왕이승용(124.216) 24.12.14 32 0
451160 그래머 인 유즈 진짜 좋다 JUN(182.31) 24.12.14 139 0
451159 보기만한다고 그대로 이해할 수 있는건 없다 ㅇㅇ [26] ㅇㅇ(211.106) 24.12.14 201 1
451155 팝송이 번역안되는 이유는, 조선왕이승용(124.216) 24.12.14 63 0
451154 갤탭 와콤 원용 펜촉 기본이 펠트야? JUN(182.31) 24.12.14 82 0
451152 조선인들 어떻게든 라틴어식 프랑스식으로 부르는거 이해안됨 ㅇㅇ(182.220) 24.12.14 39 1
451151 chatGPT 이 번역 맞는거야? [3] JUN(182.31) 24.12.14 172 0
451150 매일매일 영어 공부하시는 분 계시나요?? qu(14.37) 24.12.14 39 0
451149 하루하루 계획 짜면서 성실하게 사시는 분 있나요? [1] qu(14.37) 24.12.14 47 0
451148 영어공부는 형광펜으로 [1] ㅇㅇ(58.141) 24.12.14 60 0
451147 늘 얘기하지만 빨리영어 마스터하고싶다 하트브레이크갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.14 43 0
451146 네이버가 살아 남을 수 있었던 이유 [2] 영갤러(27.119) 24.12.14 93 4
451145 국민들이 영어를 못하니까 이러고 산다 영갤러(116.121) 24.12.14 87 5
451143 The IRS received 천재(118.39) 24.12.14 28 0
451142 [373/832] ebse 생활영어 ebse갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.14 20 0
451141 14.6인치 갤탭으로 공부하니까 진짜 공부할맛 난다 ㅋㅋㅋ [3] JUN(182.31) 24.12.14 137 0
451139 인공지능이 장악했다 영갤러(116.121) 24.12.14 56 3
451138 저좀 도와줄수 있을까요? [11] 알파카카갤로그로 이동합니다. 24.12.14 135 0
451137 번역 연습 [1] 천재(118.39) 24.12.13 52 0
뉴스 전현무 때문에 SBS, MBC 연예대상 같은 날은 못한다 디시트렌드 10:00
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