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engage 영영사전

영갤러(175.209) 2024.10.23 17:34:24
조회 64 추천 0 댓글 1

\ə̇nˈgāj, en-\verb
Etymology: Middle English engagen, from Middle French engager, engagier, from Old French engagier, from en- en- (I) + gage pledge, pawn — more at gage
transitive verb
 a. obsolete : mortgage, pawn, pledge
 b. : to offer (as one's life or word) as backing to a cause or aim : expose to risk for the attainment or support of some end
  < engaged his all in the king's cause >
  < I would like to drop out of this undertaking but my word is engaged >
 a. obsolete : to involve or entangle (as a person) in some affair or enterprise
 b. obsolete : to entangle or entrap in or as if in a snare or bog
 c. : to attract and hold
  < engaged his attention by a series of sprightly comments >
 d. : to make (an architectural member) fast; especially : to partially incorporate (a column) in a wall
 e. : to come into contact or interlock with : mesh
  < the teeth of one gear wheel engaging those of another to transmit power >
 also : to cause (parts) to engage
  < engage the gears, then slowly let in your clutch >
 a. obsolete : to commit (as a person) as surety (as for the payment of a debt or performance of an obligation)
 b. : to bind (as oneself) to do or to forbear doing something by or as if by a formal promise or contract
  < he engaged himself not to call on his father for help >
 especially : to bind (as oneself) by a pledge to marry
  < a girl who engaged herself to three different men in as many months >
  — usually used passively
  < they had been engaged for over six years >
 c. : to pledge or commit (as oneself) to participate in some social or business activity
  < engaged herself to attend the meeting >
 often : to bind by a previous commitment
  < I would like to go with you but I am engaged that evening >
  < a popular hairdresser whose time is engaged weeks in advance >
 a. : to provide occupation for (as a person, his interest, or labor) : require the use of
  < it engaged all their strength to budge the stone >
  < to fix the attention, but not to engage the mind, is a precise statement of the advertiser's formula — D.M.Potter >
  < subsistence farming engages the major efforts of the settlers >
  < his family had been engaged in trade for generations >
 b. : to arrange to obtain the services of usually for a wage or fee
  < she was engaged to play the leading role in the new opera >
  < you will need to engage a cook and two extra maids if you take that house >
 also : to enter (oneself) into an agreement to serve
  < he engaged himself with the new company for two years >
 c. : to secure or arrange to secure (as accommodations, goods, or aid)
  < he will engage a suite at the hotel >
  < have your agent engage wheat for fall delivery >
  < I have engaged the help of the local chief in order to recruit enough porters >
 d. : to gain over : win and attach : attract
  < his gentle persistence gradually engaged all the neighbors >
  < she engages everyone with her pretty girlish ways >
 a. archaic : to call upon : exhort, induce, persuade
 b. : to hold the attention of : engross, occupy
  < the puzzle engaged him all evening >
  < we were engaged in cleaning the cottage until just before you came >
 c. : to induce to participate : draw out
  < I engaged him in conversation >
 a. : to enter into contest with : bring to conflict
  < ordered to seek out and engage the enemy fleet >
 b. : to bring together or interlock (weapons)
  < engaged their foils after a preliminary pass or two >
  < the battling stags engage their heavy antlers and strive for mastery >
intransitive verb
 a. : to promise or pledge oneself
  < engaged to free the Holy Land >
  : enter into or take on an obligation
  < they engaged to sell our grain at the best possible price >
  < the Indians engaged to keep the peace >
 b. : to become pledged or answerable : guarantee, promise — usually used with for
  < he'll be there on time but that's all I can engage for >
  < he engages for the honesty of his brother >
 a. : to begin and carry on an enterprise, especially a business or profession
  < he engaged in trade for several years >
 b. : to employ or involve oneself
  < he engaged in one long round of pleasure as long as his money lasted >
 c. : to take part : participate
  < he engaged in a long-winded dispute >
  < engaging in a hog-calling contest >
 a. : to enter into conflict : join battle
 b. : to bring together or interlock weapons — used especially of fencers
4. archaic : to become involved or entagled
5. of machinery : to be or become in gear (as of two gear wheels working together) : interlock and interact
Synonyms: see promise

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449642 영어 잘 하는 법은 따로 있음 영갤러(185.220) 11.17 66 1
449640 Still dreaming <— 이게 뭔 뜻이노 [5] ㅇㅇ(58.232) 11.17 114 0
449639 춤 잘추고 운동 잘하는 애들이 스피킹 잘함 영갤러(211.234) 11.17 61 1
449638 하버드 대학교 출신 홍정욱 전 국회의원의 영어 학습법 [3] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 11.17 338 1
449637 신문 해석을 목적으로 영어 배우고 싶은데 추천해 주세요 [4] 영갤러(1.218) 11.17 89 0
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449633 툐플 끝나고 나왔다 [2] 영갤러(211.234) 11.17 71 1
449632 트윗(X)으로 영어공부하는것도 괜찮네 [1] oo(118.235) 11.17 48 0
449631 트리맵 같은 전문적인건 주의깊게 인용해야 하는건 맞음 [2] ㅇㅇ(175.223) 11.17 107 2
449630 영어 공부해보려고 하는데 [2] 영갤러(58.227) 11.17 115 1
뉴스 에임스캡 X 토트넘 핫스퍼, 스폰서십 체결 디시트렌드 14:00
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