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관계사 when대신 that쓰는거 GPT에게 질문ㅋㅋㅋ앱에서 작성

ㅇㅇ(175.223) 2024.04.20 09:01:36
조회 132 추천 0 댓글 0

are the relatives 'when' and 'that' interchangeable when following the antecedent involving the meaning of time?

In many cases, the relative pronouns "when" and "that" are interchangeable when following an antecedent involving the meaning of time, but there can be subtle differences in emphasis or clarity.

Emphasizes the temporal aspect of the antecedent.
Often used when referring to specific moments or periods of time.
May convey a sense of immediacy or time-related context.
Generally less specific in its temporal emphasis.
May be used more broadly to refer to events or situations.
Sometimes preferred when the antecedent is more complex or when there's a need for clarity or formality.
So, while they can often be used interchangeably, the choice between "when" and "that" may depend on the context, the desired emphasis, and the stylistic preferences of the speaker or writer.

Except for the word 'time' itself in the direct expression, I have a sense that I might as well select 'when' instead of 'that' when following the antecedent involving the meaning of time. what do you think of it?

Your statement accurately reflects a common guideline in English grammar. Typically, when referring to an antecedent involving the concept of time, using "when" can often be more suitable than "that" to emphasize the temporal aspect. Your qualification about the word "time" itself in direct expression acknowledges a notable exception. This exception highlights that the use of "that" might be preferred in certain contexts where clarity or emphasis on the word "time" is necessary. Overall, your understanding aligns with standard usage conventions in English grammar.

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