디시인사이드 갤러리

갤러리 이슈박스, 최근방문 갤러리

갤러리 본문 영역

헤비메탈 노래

영갤러(39.115) 2024.04.12 00:48:11
조회 89 추천 0 댓글 0

[Instrumental Intro]

A slow, haunting buildup, crescendoing into an explosion of guitars and drums.

[Verse 1]

In the grip of winter's bite, under a moonless sky,

A solitary soul paces, where shadows and whispers lie.

"Has he crossed the river wild, has he made it through?"

Through the dark, a looming fear, in the cold, a hope so true.


In the dead of night, a silent prayer,

To the stars unseen, does anybody care?

With every step, with every breath,

He dances with life, he flirts with death.


Across the icy waters, beneath the storm's fierce gaze,

He seeks a brighter morrow, through the night's cold embrace.

For love, for life, a journey fraught with dread,

Into the heart of darkness, where few dare to tread.


[Verse 2]

Under the cloak of darkness, against the biting frost,

He moves in silence, through the lands that he has crossed.

Shadows lengthen, whispers grow into a tempest's cry,

A smuggler's route, a desperate chase beneath the ink-black sky.


Guarded borders, eyes like hawks, in the night they wait,

For one false step, a breath too loud, could seal a fateful fate.

But in his heart, a fire burns, a beacon through the night,

Against the odds, against the world, he battles for what's right.


Through the valley of shadows, on wings of the night,

He rides with the wind, a phantom in flight.

In the eye of the storm, where hope and despair collide,

He stands unbroken, with destiny as his guide.

[Verse 3]

A cry in the distance, a signal in the dark,

A moment's hesitation, a journey embarked.

For tales of love and sorrow, for tales yet to be told,

He marches on, a warrior bold, in the night so cold.


A fierce guitar solo that captures the essence of the protagonist's inner turmoil and resolve, leading back into the chorus with a renewed sense of urgency and determination.

[Chorus] (Reprise with slight variations)

Through the storm's embrace, under starless skies,

He seeks the dawn, where his destiny lies.

With every step, the shadows fall away,

Into the night, he carves his path, come what may.


[Verse 4]

In the silence of the night, under watchful stars,

He stands alone, contemplating battle scars.

Whispers of the past, echoes of a song long dead,

In the heart of the night, where his fears tread.


A reflective, melodic guitar solo that embodies the protagonist's journey inward, exploring the depths of his resolve and the cost of his quest.


Amidst the shadows, beneath the moon's soft glow,

He finds his strength in the places only he knows.

For every tear shed, for every silent scream,

He holds onto his dreams, no matter how distant they seem.


[Verse 5]

Through the storm, he charges, a tempest in his wake,

The final stand, a battle only he can undertake.

Betrayal's sting, love's lost song, in the wind they howl,

Fate's cruel hand, the truth unveiled, upon him now it prowls.

[Bridge 2]

With every step, the ground trembles, as if sensing his rage,

Against destiny's chains, he writes his own page.

A scream in the night, a beacon of light fades to dusk,

In the heart of the battle, where trust turns to rust.


In the climax's fire, where all paths converge,

He faces his demons, on the verge.

With a heart torn asunder, and a will of steel,

He stands unyielded, ready to deal.

[Verse 6]

A clash of titans, a dance of fate,

In the silence after, it's never too late.

For in the ruins of the night, amidst the loss and pain,

A glimmer of hope, like a lone star, remains.


[Verse 7]

As dawn breaks, silence speaks, in whispers of light,

He walks alone, a shadow fading into the night.

Lessons learned, bridges burned, on this hallowed ground,

With every scar, a story, where solace is found.


A somber yet uplifting guitar solo, symbolizing the protagonist's journey towards acceptance and the peace found in resilience.


From the ashes of despair, a phoenix rises anew,

In the heart of the fallen, where strength grew.

Through the pain and the sorrow, through the trials he faced,

A new dawn beckons, no longer displaced.


In the quiet after the storm, under skies so vast,

He finds his way, free at last.

For in the end, it's the journey, not the destination,

A tale of hope, love, and eternal determination.



With steps untold, on paths reborn,

The night's end meets the morn.

In whispers of the winds that sigh,

Begin again, with dreams that never die.

추천 비추천


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440436 영단어는 한가지 뜻이 아니다. [1] 천재(220.77) 05.02 117 0
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440429 단어예문 왜 보라는지 알겟다. [2] 영갤러(118.235) 05.02 187 0
440428 발음,음절에 대한 이해가 없으면 영어 1000년을 해도 안됨 [2] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.02 180 1
440427 영어가 가장 어려운건 ‘많은 어휘’임 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.02 147 2
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440424 한국인한테 영어가 존나 어려운 이유 [13] 영갤러(211.207) 05.02 426 4
440423 ㄹㅇ ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.02 68 0
440422 형들 근데 ground는 어케 좌초하다랑 착륙하다는 뜻이 같이잇는거임? [3] ㅇㅇ(183.104) 05.02 116 0
440421 리스닝이 제일 중요한거 같다 ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.02 131 1
440417 이 문장 문법적으로 오류 없음? [4] 영갤러(153.252) 05.01 155 0
440416 독서 노래로 영어공부 가능? [1] 영갤러(110.45) 05.01 152 0
440414 to 앞단어가 모음으로 끝날때 항상 플랩되는가 ㅇㅇ(175.223) 05.01 115 0
440413 119.64 게이 뭐냐 [2] 키비갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 200 0
440412 뒤늦게 영어 공부하는 27세 엠생 틀딱 질문있다. [7] ㅇㅇ(121.177) 05.01 287 0
440411 문법책 한 40만언치 쇼핑했다. [2] 영갤러(61.82) 05.01 262 1
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440409 oxford 들어가서 C2까지는 싹 다 외우는게 맞나봄 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 213 1
440408 고3 [3] 영갤러(180.230) 05.01 121 0
440406 나는 아이스크림을 사러 가게애 간다. 천재(220.77) 05.01 100 0
440405 고딩인데 thoro가 뭔 뜻인가요 [4] ㅇㅇ(112.157) 05.01 179 0
440404 한국인은 전치사를 존나 못씀 [1] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 190 0
440403 조센징이 영작해놓은건 진짜 대가리 어지러움 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 138 1
440402 "무엇을 위해 불닭을 취식합니까" 안 해 ■x(119.64) 05.01 99 0
440401 " they don't really care about it " ■x(119.64) 05.01 94 0
440400 " no money no attitude " ■x(119.64) 05.01 87 0
440399 you can ask " why you see this ? " ■x(119.64) 05.01 84 0
440398 관계대명사 what 명사절접속사 what 의문대명사what 뭔차인가요 영갤러(59.8) 05.01 117 0
440397 Wonder 뜻이 많은건가 [4] ㅇㅇ(118.235) 05.01 161 0
440396 한국놈들 영어 배우는거 인풋 0에 가까운듯 ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 147 0
440395 문법 분석<- 영어에 이딴짓거리 하는순간 영원히 못함 [8] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 286 2
440394 thee 이런 옛날 문법 쓸 줄 알아야되나 [4] ㅇㅇ갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 148 1
440393 아 하버드대 뇌과학과 교수하고 싶긔 ㅠ [1] D .^^&♡(118.235) 05.01 117 1
440392 미국이 강대국이라면서 왜 서양역사는 영국이 유명함? [2] 영갤러(49.165) 05.01 126 1
440391 이게 정답률 37퍼 짜리래요;; [13] 백신충학식충갤로그로 이동합니다. 05.01 264 0
440390 원서 공부 시작할거 추천좀 [2] 영갤러(221.168) 05.01 204 0
440388 해석좀 도와주십셔 [6] ㅇㅇ(220.70) 05.01 154 0
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