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영어책 읽고 Essay 썼는데 봐주세요 :) 부탁드려요

Essay 2006.05.24 07:58:15
조회 164 추천 0 댓글 6

Have you feel the responsibility about what you've done? <- 영어선생이 그래머가 틀렷다고 하네요 어떻게 바꿔야하죠? you've done을 you did로? Nobody Else Has To Know is written by Igrid Tomey, and It treated about the responsibility. One day, fifteen years old boy drived on the road, and had an accident that hit a little girl. His grandfather tried to be blamed instead him, but he was being feel guilty and the responsibility. Through the description of character development, symbolism, and conflicts, Igrid Tomey developed the theme <- 여기에도 each argument should have its own sentence라고 써놨는데. 각각 한개씩 쓸려면 어떻게 해야할지 감이 안와요..조언좀 that every action you have taken carries certain but unavoidable responsibilites with it. <- 여기서 you같이 avoid personal pronouns라고 써놨네요.. 그럼 어떻게 바꿔야할까요..? 알려주세요 First of all, Webber, who is the main character of this novel, have grown and changed throughout the novel. In the beggining of the novel, Webber didn't remember anything about the accident and he knew that his grandfather would be blamed, and the little girl who hit by a car would never walk again. Webb shrugged. "I can't remember anything. One minute I'm running down the sidewalk on my way home from school. The next minute I wake up in the hospital." (Tomey 67). As the time passed, his memory returned back, he was being feel the responsibility and suffered from guilty. His guilty was being bigger and bigger and It weighed heavily on his mind. 'I'm her baby-sitter. Once a week for three years. Ever since she was seven." Dylis licked her lips, then blotted them with the back of her hand not taking her eyes from Webb's. Webb felt the crushing weight in his chest. (135~136). He was afraid that he or his grandfather would go to a jail, and his mother would be in attendence on Taffy Putnam for all of her life. But he eventually confessed his guilty to everybody. Second, merry-go-around was a symbolism which means fearnesses to Webber. He was pushing Taffy Putnam on the merry-go-round, running faster and faster, until her eyes grew wide with fear. But even then Webb didn't stop. He didn't stop until Taffy lost her grip and went flying off the merry-go-around. (172). It represent his responsibility about Taffy Putnam is required, and he wouldn't get out of his guilty like merry-go-around whirles continuously. Futhermore, legs are another symbolism which is important to Webb as he was a runner, howecwe to Taffy Putnam, legs meant frustration as she wouldn't walk again. Third, through the conflicts, Webber was trying to overcome and eventually had to do something to reach a resoultion. For instance, Webb had many external conflicts with his grandfather about who takes the responsibility in everywhere of the book. 'I was driving. I remember everything. I was the one who hit that little girl, not you. I sent her to the hospital, I broke your ribs. I did this." (74).   But his grandfather couldn't <- 여기도 no contraction 이라고 서놨네요. 그럼 어떻게 해야할까요?알려주세요 let Webb blame and he persuade that he would be blamed instead Webb. Webber was so confusing and felt guilty. He knew his grandfather would be blamed instead him, but he thought avoiding his responsibility is not right, and he was still falling into utter confusion. "Don't feed me crap, Grampa. I know what I did. You know what I did. Pretty soon the whole world will know what I did." (102). Through many intense conlicts, Webb eventually intened to confess his guilty to everyone. 여기다가는 need more transition이라고 써놨네요.. 뭐라고 더 쓰면 좋을지;;;;흠; 조언좀;; "I have to do it, Grampa," Webb said. "I have to tell Mom. I have to tell the Putnams. Everyone. You know it's right, Grampa." (230). 여기엔 Need analysis and link to thesis라고 써놨는데..뭐라쓸리 조언좀;; Through the description of character development, symbolism, and conflicts, Igrid Tomey developed the theme that what you've<-여기도  done carries certain responsibilities. Igrid Tomey advices that be self-possessed and careful when you take an action, because whether what you've done is good or bad, It would require your responsibility with it assuredly, and It could change your life. 그리고 마지막에 Needs a lot of proofreading for grammar라고 써놨네요. 그런데 저가 볼땐 별로 틀린게 업어보이는데... 외국인 눈에는 틀린게 많나보네요.. ㅜ.ㅜ 번거로우시겠지만 그래머 체크와 제가 한 질문들에 답변좀 해주세요.. 부탁드립니다(__)(--)

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